Natural Sinus Remedies - Herbal Remedies

Natural sinus remedies you can try include the use of herbs. They have been used for very many years for the relief of sinus congestion and most of them do not have any side effects unlike over-the-counter medications. They can be taken in a tea or as an inhalant and are preferable to taking decongestants continuously. we put together a guideline for the most effective herbs for the problems below.

Eucalyptus is a well-known remedy for colds, sore throats and sinus problems. It has antiseptic properties and helps to shrink swollen tissues in the nasal passages and sinuses. Making tea by steeping eucalyptus leaves in hot water or use it as an inhalant.

Echinacea is a that can kill viruses that cause respiratory problems. It is available as a capsule you should not take if you are allergic to the family of plants that include ragweed.

Ephedra is a and is recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of sinus infections. It is also good for problems arising from hay fever and calls that it only should be taken under the supervision of a doctor as there are some side effects.

Ginger has been used for many many years in the treatment of headaches and it is all so good as sinus remedy as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be taken in the form of a tea or in capsule form.

Goldenseal can also be used for the treatment of sinusitis and has been shown by many studies to help to reduce congestion and to improve general health. It has antimicrobial properties that can fight infections and contains compounds similar to steroids its which can help reduce inflammation.

Peppermint can be used to reduce irritation in the mucous membranes and information. It can be used as a tea by mixing peppermint with hot water.

Lemon balm if the herb that has been used in the treatment of bad breath and is also a good natural remedy for sinusitis as you can help in fighting off viruses and bacteria. You can purchase lemon balm leaves and steep them in hot water for about 10 minutes, remove the leaves by straining and then drink as a tea.

Licorice root has been used for many years and sinusitis treatments and you can buy capsules containing this ingredient. It is also thought to help boost the immune system.


You may want to try some of the above herbal remedies for sinus. Not all of them work for everyone so you may need to try a few before you find one that is effective for you and your sinusitis! We believe that you should always try natural sinus remedies before you resort to medications that are not along term solution and may have serious side effects.

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