Treating Chronic Sinusitis Naturally - Home Remedies For Sinus Pain Pressure

Sinusitis is an extremely common medical condition although despite this, it can be notoriously difficult to treat. Treating chronic sinusitis naturally is, in my opinion, the best option available and there are some excellent home remedies for sinus pain pressure.

Around 15 million people each year develop sinusitis. For some people, it can be a short lived one off infection (Acute Sinusitis). For others though, the symptoms can be longstanding. If they last for over 30 days, the condition is called "Chronic Sinusitis". Doctors are not entirely sure what causes chronic sinusitis but it sometimes follows a viral infection or a severe allergy. For others, the cause could be environmental pollutants. Some people also have a family history of sinusitis and unfortunately, it can pass between generations. Occasionally, sinusitis can develop as a result of a tooth abscess infection spreading throughout the nasal cavity.

The sinuses are hollow cavities in the bones around the nose. Sinusitis is a build-up of fluid and pus within these cavities. The symptoms for acute and chronic sinusitis are similar, with both giving rise to pain tenderness, congestion and obstruction within the nose. In addition, many sufferers will have bad breath and a cough. Pain may occur on the forehead and below and between the eyes. There may also be a generalized severe headache and even bacterial infections of the skin around the eye socket. Very often with chronic sinusitis, there will be a postnasal drip and the nasal discharge may be colored. There is also a frequent loss of smell.

There are various methods of treating chronic sinusitis naturally and these are very often more effective than antibiotics which have very mixed results when used for sinusitis. As far as chronic sinusitis is concerned, it is important to consider the causes of sinusitis when looking at treatments and not just curing the symptoms.

Home Remedies For Sinus Pain Pressure

* Steam inhalations can help relieve congestion
* Drink plenty of hot drinks which can help thin the mucous
* Apply moist heat directly to your face for 5-10 minutes-A warm damp towel or microwaveable heat pad is ideal
* Consider using a humidifier within your home to keep the atmosphere moist
* Buy inexpensive saline drops from a pharmacy and use these a few times a day
* If you need to blow your nose, do it gently to prevent forcing thick mucous back into the nasal cavities

These self help tips may help give some relief although unless the infection is mild, they are unlikely to effect a full cure.

However, there is a completely natural home recipe for a sinus nasal spray which guarantees that you will eradicate your sinusitis within just a day or so. Using just 4 ingredients, this works by quickly targeting the infection and symptoms. Imagine-you too could be completely pain-free simply by using home remedies for sinus pain pressure.

Would you like to learn the secret recipe?

Visit Cure For Sinusitis - The perfect way of treating chronic sinusitis naturally.

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