Sinus Remedies for Acute and Chronic Sinusitis

We've put together some information on the causes of sinusitis and some sinus remedies that you can try at home.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

The sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull below, behind and above the eyes, that connect with the cavities in the nose. The lining of the cavities are covered in cilia, microscopic hairs, that constantly beat to clean the sinuses and move mucous through them. Sinusitis is swelling of the lining of the sinuses caused by an infection, allergy or some other irritant to the delicate lining. Sinusitis may be acute or chronic with many people suffering long term.

Mucous in the nose and sinus cavities is normally sterile. When the sinuses do not drain properly or an infection is present the sinuses become clogged with mucous and the lining of the sinuses becomes swollen and infected. Sinusitis may be bacterial, viral or caused by an allergy or other irritant. Chronic sinusitis may last up to twelve week and frequently recurs. It can be caused by a URTI (upper respiratory tract infection, allergies, molds and anatomical conditions including a deviated septum.

What are the symptoms of acute sinusitis?

  • Pain and pressure around the eyes and nose.
  • Congestion
  • Headache which is worse if you bend froward
  • Fever
  • Tiredness

What Sinus Remedies Are Available?

Acute sinusitis should be treated by your medical practitioner with antibiotics, if an infection is present, plus pain relief and decongestants. Natural sinus remedies for chronic congested sinuses include nasal washouts including the use of a neti pot, vapourisers, vapour rubs or inhalation of eucalyptus oil, rosemary or lemon grass. Most acute sinusitis begins with a cold and last for up to four weeks.

Always see a health care provider if you think you have a sinus infection as neglecting to treat it properly can lead to more serious conditions or the sinus problems becoming chronic. Some alternative practitioners believe that diet plays a part in chronic sinusitis but this is not believed by most doctors. Some foods that alternative practitioners believe promote the formation of mucus include dairy foods, oranges, sugar and wheat.

Speaking as a sufferer of chronic sinusitis all my life I have probably tried all of the sinus remedies known to man! Cutting out dairy products had absolutely no effect on my sinus problem. I have recently found the only solution that does not involve constantly taking decongestants and that is nasal irrigation using a neti pot!

Natural Sinus Remedies - Herbal Remedies

Natural sinus remedies you can try include the use of herbs. They have been used for very many years for the relief of sinus congestion and most of them do not have any side effects unlike over-the-counter medications. They can be taken in a tea or as an inhalant and are preferable to taking decongestants continuously. we put together a guideline for the most effective herbs for the problems below.

Eucalyptus is a well-known remedy for colds, sore throats and sinus problems. It has antiseptic properties and helps to shrink swollen tissues in the nasal passages and sinuses. Making tea by steeping eucalyptus leaves in hot water or use it as an inhalant.

Echinacea is a that can kill viruses that cause respiratory problems. It is available as a capsule you should not take if you are allergic to the family of plants that include ragweed.

Ephedra is a and is recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of sinus infections. It is also good for problems arising from hay fever and calls that it only should be taken under the supervision of a doctor as there are some side effects.

Ginger has been used for many many years in the treatment of headaches and it is all so good as sinus remedy as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be taken in the form of a tea or in capsule form.

Goldenseal can also be used for the treatment of sinusitis and has been shown by many studies to help to reduce congestion and to improve general health. It has antimicrobial properties that can fight infections and contains compounds similar to steroids its which can help reduce inflammation.

Peppermint can be used to reduce irritation in the mucous membranes and information. It can be used as a tea by mixing peppermint with hot water.

Lemon balm if the herb that has been used in the treatment of bad breath and is also a good natural remedy for sinusitis as you can help in fighting off viruses and bacteria. You can purchase lemon balm leaves and steep them in hot water for about 10 minutes, remove the leaves by straining and then drink as a tea.

Licorice root has been used for many years and sinusitis treatments and you can buy capsules containing this ingredient. It is also thought to help boost the immune system.


You may want to try some of the above herbal remedies for sinus. Not all of them work for everyone so you may need to try a few before you find one that is effective for you and your sinusitis! We believe that you should always try natural sinus remedies before you resort to medications that are not along term solution and may have serious side effects.

Chronic Sinusitis - Symptoms and Remedies

About 40 million Americans suffer from sinus infections every year. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses which are the cavities behind the eyes and within the cheek bones. infections allergies in anatomical problems can cause nasal sinuses drain inadequately causing inflammation. Chronic sinusitis is a condition where the information lasts for at least four months.

Chronic sinusitis is often a result of allergies and people who suffer from asthma frequently have chronic sinusitis. Allergic reactions can be to mull, pollen dust and other allergens which are breathed in causes irritation in the nose and sinus cavities. Air pollutants down where that can also cause problems for people with chronic sinusitis.

Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis can be difficult to treat successfully. Prolonged courses of antibiotics may be used but symptoms can still persist after treatment has finished. Decongestants and nasal sprays can also be used although safety of using the nasal sprays long-term is not known. Oral steroids have also been used but they do have side effects that usually only used after other treatments have failed to control the symptoms. Antihistamines can be used to prevent allergic reactions.

Side Effects

Some antihistamines sold over-the-counter can cause drowsiness especially older type antihistamines. Decongestants have been known to cause difficulty in sleeping and raised blood pressure. nasal sprays containing steroids can cause nosebleeds and should not be used long-term as they can lead to diabetes, cataracts and thinning of the bones.

Home Remedies for Chronic Sinusitis

Home remedies can be used to lessen the discomfort of chronic sinusitis. Steam inhalation can help the inflamed sinuses and irrigating the nasal passages with a saline solution, for instance using in a neti pot, can help the pain and pressure.

Studies at the Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic has performed a number of studies which link chronic sinusitis with an immune response to fungi in the nose. Since an original research paper was published in 1999 more research has confirmed that this is the cause of the problem for the the majority of chronic sinusitis patients. They have developed a system to deliver an antifungal agent directly to the nose which seems to be effective in a large majority of the cases. So far this treatment is not available outside the Mayo Clinic.
See Mayo Clinic Report for more information